Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Twist on Stoked Oats

If you havent gone out and bought yourself some Stoked Oats  I would highly recommend it. It is an amazing super food that is a great hearty meal. I dont consider it to be strictly a breakfast meal as I eat it through out the day. Before and after workouts and as a snack. I told you earlier about the banana rolled oats which is amazing dessert you can make.
Butternut Squash Soup and Stoked Oats rolled Chicken

I was making dinner the other day when I decided to mix it up a bit and thought my chicken should be breaded. So I rolled the chicken breast in a whipped egg and rolled it in Stoked Oats. I baked it and it was a phenomenal. I also added franks red hot.....I put that shit on everything! It added a a twist and a nice spice to it. I highly recommend trying it out and seeing what you can add to it. If you find something that works please let me know so I can try it.

To go with that you can make butternut squash soup. Take 1 - 2 butter nut squash's cut them down the middle and scrape the seeds out. I use a peeler and take the outer shell off, then cube it and add it to 2 containers of vegetable broth in a large pot. Add one onion, two apples and 5 large carrots. Boil everything together and then put it in your Vitamix and blend. Serve with a little pepper or spice of your choice.

Yam fries and Stoked Oats rolled chicken with Franks Red Hot
We have to leave you with a funny photo of my dog and her flat muscle head. Make sure you get your recovery protein drink in you right after your done a hard training session. 

- Muscle Milk powder - I prefer vanilla
- Banana
- Frozen Berries
- Coconut oil
- Chia Seeds
- Coconut milk/almond milk

Muscle Milk balancing act!

Lets make sure your not letting the weather win and keeping you locked up inside your house. Get to the mountains, Bragg creek, to the gym and make sure you keep that active lifestyle up. West Bragg creek is great to grab your cross country skis and go for a rip. Its close to Calgary, its free or you can donate to the local ski fund that helps keep the trails groomed and best thing of all its away from the crazy city life. Who doesnt like a little peace an quiet? You get a great view plus fresh mountain air. I see tons of couples and families out there having a blast. I hope to see you out there and have a good week of training!

West Bragg Creek cross country skiing 

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